Removal of the Thymus Illustrates the Importance of Thymic Atrophy in Aging


The thymus is a small organ in the chest. Thymocytes created in the bone marrow migrate to the thymus where they mature into T cells of the adaptive immune system through a complex process of selection. The thymus atrophies with advancing age, and this reduces the pace at which new T cells are generated to reinforce the immune system. Absent reinforcements the adaptive immune system declines into malfunctioning, senescent, exhausted cell populations over time. This immune dysfun…


The thymus is a small organ in the chest. Thymocytes created in the bone marrow migrate to the thymus where they mature into T cells of the adaptive immune system through a complex process of selection. The thymus atrophies with advancing age, and this reduces the pace at which new T cells are generated to reinforce the immune system. Absent reinforcements the adaptive immune system declines into malfunctioning, senescent, exhausted cell populations over time. This immune dysfun…

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