Reporting on the Aging Research and Drug Discovery Meeting Held at BASAL Life 2019


Earlier this year the Aging Research and Drug Discovery meeting was organized as a part of the broader BASAL LIFE scientific conference. As is traditional for such events, the organizers put together a paper reviewing the proceedings. A few of the early highlights are noted below, but many more presentations are briefly discussed in the open access paper. It is a representative selection of the present distribution of projects and research goals in the scientific community focused on intervention in the aging process.

Aging poses profound health-related challenges that need to be tackled to reduce the social and economic burden on our aging society. Multidisciplinary perspectives will be of tremendous importance to understand the underlying molecular processes of aging and to accelerate the discovery and development of effective aging interventions. It is therefore indispensable that industry and academia deve…


Earlier this year the Aging Research and Drug Discovery meeting was organized as a part of the broader BASAL LIFE scientific conference. As is traditional for such events, the organizers put together a paper reviewing the proceedings. A few of the early highlights are noted below, but many more presentations are briefly discussed in the open access paper. It is a representative selection of the present distribution of projects and research goals in the scientific community focused on intervention in the aging process.

Aging poses profound health-related challenges that need to be tackled to reduce the social and economic burden on our aging society. Multidisciplinary perspectives will be of tremendous importance to understand the underlying molecular processes of aging and to accelerate the discovery and development of effective aging interventions. It is therefore indispensable that industry and academia deve…

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