Sore Throat Chakra? Here Are 10 Ways to Find Some Healing Energy


If you’ve ever popped into a yoga class, you’ve probably heard about chakras — focal points in the body that have connections to certain organs and nerve bundles responsible for energy flow.

If a chakra becomes blocked or imbalanced, it’s believed that energy flow is disrupted, causing negative physical, mental, spiritual, or emotional symptoms.

The throat chakra — aka Vishuddha — is the charka in charge of communication and self-expression (particularly, the power to speak your truth). So if you start to have issues there, that’s obviously not ideal.

The good news is there are methods of healing.

10 ways to h…


If you’ve ever popped into a yoga class, you’ve probably heard about chakras — focal points in the body that have connections to certain organs and nerve bundles responsible for energy flow.

If a chakra becomes blocked or imbalanced, it’s believed that energy flow is disrupted, causing negative physical, mental, spiritual, or emotional symptoms.

The throat chakra — aka Vishuddha — is the charka in charge of communication and self-expression (particularly, the power to speak your truth). So if you start to have issues there, that’s obviously not ideal.

The good news is there are methods of healing.

10 ways to h…

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