Tell It To Me Straight! Japanese Hair Straightening 101


Are constant curls getting you down? After you’ve caught the Japanese hair straightening buzz, you’ll want to book the first flight to Tokyo (as soon as it’s safe to travel, and we’re allowed back into Japan).

What is Japanese hair straightening?

Japanese hair straightening (aka thermal reconditioning) is a permanent straightening solution for peeps who bemoan their natural curls. Here’s how it works:

  1. The stylist applies a solution to your hair that chemically changes its structure. Neat.
  2. They leave the solution on your locks for about 20 minutes, depending on hair type and length.
  3. Afterward, they wash it out.
  4. Your hair gets some conditioning treatment to make sure it stays straight.
  5. Your hairdresser passes straightener…


Are constant curls getting you down? After you’ve caught the Japanese hair straightening buzz, you’ll want to book the first flight to Tokyo (as soon as it’s safe to travel, and we’re allowed back into Japan).

What is Japanese hair straightening?

Japanese hair straightening (aka thermal reconditioning) is a permanent straightening solution for peeps who bemoan their natural curls. Here’s how it works:

  1. The stylist applies a solution to your hair that chemically changes its structure. Neat.
  2. They leave the solution on your locks for about 20 minutes, depending on hair type and length.
  3. Afterward, they wash it out.
  4. Your hair gets some conditioning treatment to make sure it stays straight.
  5. Your hairdresser passes straightener…

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