The Essential Zen Habits of 2019


By Leo Babauta

It’s hard to believe we’re closing out not just another year, but an entire decade!

It’s been quite a decade for Zen Habits, and also a really powerful year for me and my mission.

To start with, let’s talk about what I’ve done this year:

  1. Hired a Director of Operations to help my business (Coyote Jackson) and my mission in the world, and worked with him much of the year to develop a great system for our team working together.
  2. Completely relaunched the Fearless Training Program. Coyote and I moved the program, which is at the heart of our mission, from Patreon platform to its own website, and completely redesigned the program and made it a thousand times better. It’s now a powerful pr…


By Leo Babauta

It’s hard to believe we’re closing out not just another year, but an entire decade!

It’s been quite a decade for Zen Habits, and also a really powerful year for me and my mission.

To start with, let’s talk about what I’ve done this year:

  1. Hired a Director of Operations to help my business (Coyote Jackson) and my mission in the world, and worked with him much of the year to develop a great system for our team working together.
  2. Completely relaunched the Fearless Training Program. Coyote and I moved the program, which is at the heart of our mission, from Patreon platform to its own website, and completely redesigned the program and made it a thousand times better. It’s now a powerful pr…

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