Type 2 Diabetes as a Simple Condition of Excess Fat

Source https://www.fightaging.org/archives/2019/12/type-2-diabetes-as-a-simple-condition-of-excess-fat/

Research of recent years has shown that the triggering mechanism for type 2 diabetes is specifically excess fat in the pancreas. The only way to place that fat into the pancreas, in the normal course of affairs, is to become very overweight – to overload the body with fat to the point that it cannot find places to safely store it. Losing this excess fat through a low calorie diet, and then maintaining a lower weight going forward, is a cure for type 2 diabetes, as demonstrated in clinical trials.

For the first time, scientists have been able to observe people de…

Source https://www.fightaging.org/archives/2019/12/type-2-diabetes-as-a-simple-condition-of-excess-fat/

Research of recent years has shown that the triggering mechanism for type 2 diabetes is specifically excess fat in the pancreas. The only way to place that fat into the pancreas, in the normal course of affairs, is to become very overweight – to overload the body with fat to the point that it cannot find places to safely store it. Losing this excess fat through a low calorie diet, and then maintaining a lower weight going forward, is a cure for type 2 diabetes, as demonstrated in clinical trials.

For the first time, scientists have been able to observe people de…

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