Write Letters to Elderly Loved Ones When You Can’t Be With Them

Source https://feeds.feedblitz.com/~/624645784/0/griswoldhomecare~Write-Letters-to-Elderly-Loved-Ones-When-You-Cant-Be-With-Them/

Image of Senior couple standing on the couch and reading a letter received.

Do you have an elderly loved one in a nursing home? Have you moved across the country for a job that’s far from your aging parents? What about your aunt who lives in a nursing home in a neighboring town? You’ve meant to visit, but you haven’t had the time. Why not write letters to the elderly?
Writing a letter to an elderly person can be a gift that keeps on giving. Letters to the elderly, written with affection and sincerity, are a fantastic way to keep in touch with the special people in our lives who miss us more than we realize.
A letter is a pleasant surprise when it arrives, and it can be read over again whenever your l…

Source https://feeds.feedblitz.com/~/624645784/0/griswoldhomecare~Write-Letters-to-Elderly-Loved-Ones-When-You-Cant-Be-With-Them/

Image of Senior couple standing on the couch and reading a letter received.

Do you have an elderly loved one in a nursing home? Have you moved across the country for a job that’s far from your aging parents? What about your aunt who lives in a nursing home in a neighboring town? You’ve meant to visit, but you haven’t had the time. Why not write letters to the elderly?
Writing a letter to an elderly person can be a gift that keeps on giving. Letters to the elderly, written with affection and sincerity, are a fantastic way to keep in touch with the special people in our lives who miss us more than we realize.
A letter is a pleasant surprise when it arrives, and it can be read over again whenever your l…

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