The world’s most valuable food brands? In a nutshell.


One small table says it all.

For the record, I’m not related to the top ranked company.


One small table says it all.

For the record, I’m not related to the top ranked company.

For older adults, consider that transitions are going to take longer


The baby boomer generation’s later years will be unprecedented.  Each time the population aged 65+ is counted, it’s a bigger number. That onslaught, now at 52 million, bears repeating.  The boomers, turning 65 at a rate of 10,000 a day, are pushing and prodding assumptions, deadlines, and pundit predictions. As they do so, they will force industries to change offerings – and drive considerable change in technology that underpins their lives. Consider signals from today’s older adults that will only become more pronounced as the boomers move past today’s upper age of 73. Innovators should understand and and match their offerings to clear trends indicating that:



The baby boomer generation’s later years will be unprecedented.  Each time the population aged 65+ is counted, it’s a bigger number. That onslaught, now at 52 million, bears repeating.  The boomers, turning 65 at a rate of 10,000 a day, are pushing and prodding assumptions, deadlines, and pundit predictions. As they do so, they will force industries to change offerings – and drive considerable change in technology that underpins their lives. Consider signals from today’s older adults that will only become more pronounced as the boomers move past today’s upper age of 73. Innovators should understand and and match their offerings to clear trends indicating that:


Raw and Crispy Jicama Fries

A snack treat for your cleanse diet can be these Raw and Crispy Jicama Fries


  • 1 jicama
  • 1 Tbsp. olive oil
  • 3 Tbsp. nutritional yeast
  • 1 Tbsp. chili powder
  • Dash of paprika


Peel jicama and slice julienne style.

Place sliced jicama in a glass bowl and add olive oil, making sure to cover thoroughly. Add remaining spices and toss once more.

You can consume as is or dehydrate for 1–2 hours to slightly soften the root vegetable.

Targeting NKG2D Ligands on the Surface of Persistent Senescent Cells Enables their Destruction by the Immune System


A harmful accumulation of lingering senescent cells occurs in all tissues over the course of aging. A cell entering a senescent state ceases to replicate and begins to generate an mix of signals known as the senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP). These signals drive chronic inflammation, remodel the surrounding tissue structure, and encourage nearby cells to also become senescent. This can be helpful in the short term, such as following injury, where it can aid in regeneration. When sustained over the long term, it is a cause of aging and age-related disease, however.

Cells become senescent constantly, largely <a href="https://en.wikipedi…


A harmful accumulation of lingering senescent cells occurs in all tissues over the course of aging. A cell entering a senescent state ceases to replicate and begins to generate an mix of signals known as the senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP). These signals drive chronic inflammation, remodel the surrounding tissue structure, and encourage nearby cells to also become senescent. This can be helpful in the short term, such as following injury, where it can aid in regeneration. When sustained over the long term, it is a cause of aging and age-related disease, however.

Cells become senescent constantly, largely <a href="https://en.wikipedi…

The Practice of Listening to Find Purpose


“Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray.” ~Rumi

By Leo Babauta

Very often, our lives are so filled with busyness and distraction that we have no space to actually listen to what life is calling us to do.

Think about your day so far, and your day yesterday: how much of it was spent in busywork and distraction? Messaging, social media, videos and news, reading favorite websites, answering emails and doing errands, replying and reacting.

In the middle of this craziness, do we ever have space for silence? For creation, contemplation, reflection? And for a practice that I think we do too little of much of the time: listening.

The practice of listening is about creating a little space for silence, and then listening to what you need to do right now:



“Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray.” ~Rumi

By Leo Babauta

Very often, our lives are so filled with busyness and distraction that we have no space to actually listen to what life is calling us to do.

Think about your day so far, and your day yesterday: how much of it was spent in busywork and distraction? Messaging, social media, videos and news, reading favorite websites, answering emails and doing errands, replying and reacting.

In the middle of this craziness, do we ever have space for silence? For creation, contemplation, reflection? And for a practice that I think we do too little of much of the time: listening.

The practice of listening is about creating a little space for silence, and then listening to what you need to do right now:


RBC Presents Engaging Millennial Minds – Move & Meditate to Mellow Out


by Women’s Brain Health Initiative’s Young Person’s Cabinet: On Wednesday September 25th, join us for the final event in Series 3 of Engaging Millennial Minds // Move & Meditate to Mellow Out. Your brain benefits from exercise that goes beyond……


by Women’s Brain Health Initiative’s Young Person’s Cabinet: On Wednesday September 25th, join us for the final event in Series 3 of Engaging Millennial Minds // Move & Meditate to Mellow Out. Your brain benefits from exercise that goes beyond……

Podcast 193 | Financial Independence


By Joshua Fields Millburn & Ryan Nicodemus ·

In this episode of The Minimalists Podcast, Joshua and Ryan discuss financial independence, spending habits, and solving money problems with filmmaker <a href="https://twitter.c…


By Joshua Fields Millburn & Ryan Nicodemus ·

In this episode of The Minimalists Podcast, Joshua and Ryan discuss financial independence, spending habits, and solving money problems with filmmaker <a href="https://twitter.c…

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