
How to Stop Obsessing Over What Other People Think of You


“You wouldn’t worry so much about what others think of you if you realized how seldom they do.” ~Eleanor Roosevelt

I spent way too much of my life worrying about what other people were thinking of me.

I couldn’t walk down the street without sucking in my gut for fear a stranger might have thought I looked fat (mind you, I did this even when I weighed 120 pounds!!)

Going to any social gathering—a Halloween party, networking event, craft fair, even a holiday family meal—was so stressful it felt like I had a bees’ nest in my chest.

I had a successful thirteen-year marketing career, was one of the founding employees of a startup co…


“You wouldn’t worry so much about what others think of you if you realized how seldom they do.” ~Eleanor Roosevelt

I spent way too much of my life worrying about what other people were thinking of me.

I couldn’t walk down the street without sucking in my gut for fear a stranger might have thought I looked fat (mind you, I did this even when I weighed 120 pounds!!)

Going to any social gathering—a Halloween party, networking event, craft fair, even a holiday family meal—was so stressful it felt like I had a bees’ nest in my chest.

I had a successful thirteen-year marketing career, was one of the founding employees of a startup co…

5 Strategies for Overcoming Imposter Syndrome (to Get in Shape)


A character from Among Us, who probably deals with imposter syndrome.

Maybe you’ve felt this way: it’s only a matter of time before someone bursts through the door shouting “fake!” 

Then, they’ll have you hauled off to jail as a fraud…or ejected into space as an imposter:

A gif from Among Us, where the goal is to deal with imposters.

Well, feeling like a phony is a real thing and we’ve found it to be fairly common amongst our coaching clients.

Luckily, we’ve learned a few strategies for overcoming “imposter syndrome,” especially on how…


A character from Among Us, who probably deals with imposter syndrome.

Maybe you’ve felt this way: it’s only a matter of time before someone bursts through the door shouting “fake!” 

Then, they’ll have you hauled off to jail as a fraud…or ejected into space as an imposter:

A gif from Among Us, where the goal is to deal with imposters.

Well, feeling like a phony is a real thing and we’ve found it to be fairly common amongst our coaching clients.

Luckily, we’ve learned a few strategies for overcoming “imposter syndrome,” especially on how…

When Do You Ovulate? Here’s How to Track Your Cycle


Menstrual cycles have been tracked for a long time to pinpoint your period. But what’s the best way to track when you’re ovulating?

These days, many prefer the ease of an app over the traditional calendar, but it’s the same idea: Knowing roughly when your ovary releases an egg can be pretty useful.   

Whether you’re trying to boost your odds of pregnancy or lower them, let’s break down eggsactly how to pinpoint when you’re ovulating.

<img loading="lazy" width="1296" height="728" src="…


Menstrual cycles have been tracked for a long time to pinpoint your period. But what’s the best way to track when you’re ovulating?

These days, many prefer the ease of an app over the traditional calendar, but it’s the same idea: Knowing roughly when your ovary releases an egg can be pretty useful.   

Whether you’re trying to boost your odds of pregnancy or lower them, let’s break down eggsactly how to pinpoint when you’re ovulating.

<img loading="lazy" width="1296" height="728" src="…

Delirium Screening in Skilled Nursing Facilities


Journal of the American Geriatrics Society Research Summary

Delirium and Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias (ADRD) can play a role in the mental decline of older adults who enter skilled nursing facilities (SNFs) for rehabilitation after being hospitalized. Healthcare practitioners may mistake these conditions for each other or even overlook them, even though they are distinct conditions and require different treatments.

Delirium is a term that means “sudden confusi…


Journal of the American Geriatrics Society Research Summary

Delirium and Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias (ADRD) can play a role in the mental decline of older adults who enter skilled nursing facilities (SNFs) for rehabilitation after being hospitalized. Healthcare practitioners may mistake these conditions for each other or even overlook them, even though they are distinct conditions and require different treatments.

Delirium is a term that means “sudden confusi…

Is Soy Bad for You?


For as long as I’ve eaten a plant-based diet, a nearly unquestioned assumption has underlain almost every conversation I’ve had about diet:

Soy is bad for you.

Of course, I’ve never really believed it in the strictest sense. Instead, as I often do when it comes to controversy around foods that people have eaten for thousands of years, I decided to believe a softer version:

Too much soy is bad for you.

And so my family has included soy (most often tofu, sometimes tempeh) in our diet over the past ten years — probably about once per week, and without fear that it’s harming our health.

This casual attitude of ours towards soy has worked well enough (no man boobs, yet!). But as I’ve come to think more carefully about diet — especially my children’s — I decided it was time to take a more scientific approach to soy.

Is soy actually bad…


For as long as I’ve eaten a plant-based diet, a nearly unquestioned assumption has underlain almost every conversation I’ve had about diet:

Soy is bad for you.

Of course, I’ve never really believed it in the strictest sense. Instead, as I often do when it comes to controversy around foods that people have eaten for thousands of years, I decided to believe a softer version:

Too much soy is bad for you.

And so my family has included soy (most often tofu, sometimes tempeh) in our diet over the past ten years — probably about once per week, and without fear that it’s harming our health.

This casual attitude of ours towards soy has worked well enough (no man boobs, yet!). But as I’ve come to think more carefully about diet — especially my children’s — I decided it was time to take a more scientific approach to soy.

Is soy actually bad…

When You’re Confused About What to Do: How to Find Clarity


“Nothing in the world can bother you as much as your own mind, I tell you. In fact, others seem to be bothering you, but it is not others, it is your own mind.” ~Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Do you ever feel confused about what to do and unsure about how to find clarity?

Maybe an unforeseen event, like a layoff or breakup, knocked you into a mental spin. Or perhaps you’re muddling along, with no clue where you’re going.

Confusion can leave you helpless, indecisive, and afraid. And not knowing what to do only adds to your mental chaos.

I’ve been there, lost, irresolute, and undecided in life. But, amid my mid-life confusion, life-changing trauma blasted all that mental mess aside and made way for a greater worry—leukemia….


“Nothing in the world can bother you as much as your own mind, I tell you. In fact, others seem to be bothering you, but it is not others, it is your own mind.” ~Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Do you ever feel confused about what to do and unsure about how to find clarity?

Maybe an unforeseen event, like a layoff or breakup, knocked you into a mental spin. Or perhaps you’re muddling along, with no clue where you’re going.

Confusion can leave you helpless, indecisive, and afraid. And not knowing what to do only adds to your mental chaos.

I’ve been there, lost, irresolute, and undecided in life. But, amid my mid-life confusion, life-changing trauma blasted all that mental mess aside and made way for a greater worry—leukemia….

Squats Don’t Work Your Glutes (Because You’re Squatting Wrong)


squats don't work your glutes because you're squatting wrong

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“I like getting stronger with squats, but they don’t work my glutes,” she said.

She went on to perform a set of barbell squats and my initial assumption was correct: she wasn’t squatting correctly. That is why she thinks “squats don’t build glutes.” It wasn’t the exercise that was the problem; it was her execution of the movement that was at fault.

Saying squats performed correctly don’t work the glutes is like saying chin-ups performed correctly don’t work the biceps. If an …


squats don't work your glutes because you're squatting wrong

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“I like getting stronger with squats, but they don’t work my glutes,” she said.

She went on to perform a set of barbell squats and my initial assumption was correct: she wasn’t squatting correctly. That is why she thinks “squats don’t build glutes.” It wasn’t the exercise that was the problem; it was her execution of the movement that was at fault.

Saying squats performed correctly don’t work the glutes is like saying chin-ups performed correctly don’t work the biceps. If an …

Omega-3s: Which Types Do I Need and Where Can I Catch ‘Em?


You’ve probably heard over and over that omega-3 fatty acids are good for you, but have you ever wondered why? And also, which omega-3 is the best kind?

First, what’s an omega-3?

Omega-3 fatty acids are a type of essential polyunsaturated fat. Your body needs them to keep your heart healthy, boost your brain function, and keep inflammation at bay.

Here’s a quick rundown of the three main types — we’ll save the deep dive for later:

  • Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). ALA is an omega 3 that’s found in some plant foods. Although it can be converted into EPA and DHA, this process is extremely insufficient, so it’s imp…


You’ve probably heard over and over that omega-3 fatty acids are good for you, but have you ever wondered why? And also, which omega-3 is the best kind?

First, what’s an omega-3?

Omega-3 fatty acids are a type of essential polyunsaturated fat. Your body needs them to keep your heart healthy, boost your brain function, and keep inflammation at bay.

Here’s a quick rundown of the three main types — we’ll save the deep dive for later:

  • Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). ALA is an omega 3 that’s found in some plant foods. Although it can be converted into EPA and DHA, this process is extremely insufficient, so it’s imp…

Eating in Moderation: How to Do It Right


eating in moderationWould you rather listen to this article? Use the player below or download on iTunes.

Eating in moderation is a noble goal. Too bad most people suck at it.

What does it mean to “eat in moderation”? We must define it if we’re to practice it properly. The definition varies widely depending on what beliefs someone has about nutrition, but here’s a simplified answer that’s void of stupid nonsense (calling any food group “evil” or “forbidden” or claiming one macronutrient is solely responsible for fat gain) and harmful dichotomous thinking (labeling foods good/b…


eating in moderationWould you rather listen to this article? Use the player below or download on iTunes.

Eating in moderation is a noble goal. Too bad most people suck at it.

What does it mean to “eat in moderation”? We must define it if we’re to practice it properly. The definition varies widely depending on what beliefs someone has about nutrition, but here’s a simplified answer that’s void of stupid nonsense (calling any food group “evil” or “forbidden” or claiming one macronutrient is solely responsible for fat gain) and harmful dichotomous thinking (labeling foods good/b…

The Chocolate Protein Shake That Actually Tastes Like a Milkshake


chocolate protein shake

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How many times have you tried a “healthy” recipe that boasted it tastes just like the real thing! only to be immensely disappointed…again?

My list of never-make-this-food-abomination-again recipes is a lengthy one; I don’t care if it’s healthier than the original recipe it impersonates because if it tastes terrible, it’s not worth eating. Plus, that perpetuates the idea that healthy food can’t taste good, and that just isn’t true.

Recently I tested this recipe out on my picky spouse. The immediate wide-eye…


chocolate protein shake

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How many times have you tried a “healthy” recipe that boasted it tastes just like the real thing! only to be immensely disappointed…again?

My list of never-make-this-food-abomination-again recipes is a lengthy one; I don’t care if it’s healthier than the original recipe it impersonates because if it tastes terrible, it’s not worth eating. Plus, that perpetuates the idea that healthy food can’t taste good, and that just isn’t true.

Recently I tested this recipe out on my picky spouse. The immediate wide-eye…

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