
How Single-Tasking Can Decrease Your Stress and Improve Your Mood


“The shortest way to do many things is to do only one thing at once.” ~Samuel Smiles

I am a recovering multitasker.

I’m sure you know what multitasking is—it is the performance of more than one task at a time. For me it can look like this: “Watching TV” might include scanning social media on my phone, playing a game on my laptop, and/or doing some knitting or embroidery. Sometimes I switch back and forth between all of those things.

“Writing a blog post” might include doing a load of laundry, including moving it from washer to dryer, or folding it. It might also include research, social media, fixing a snack or meal, checking email, texting my kids, and more.

I not only used to multitask my way through each day, but I also used to pride myself on …


“The shortest way to do many things is to do only one thing at once.” ~Samuel Smiles

I am a recovering multitasker.

I’m sure you know what multitasking is—it is the performance of more than one task at a time. For me it can look like this: “Watching TV” might include scanning social media on my phone, playing a game on my laptop, and/or doing some knitting or embroidery. Sometimes I switch back and forth between all of those things.

“Writing a blog post” might include doing a load of laundry, including moving it from washer to dryer, or folding it. It might also include research, social media, fixing a snack or meal, checking email, texting my kids, and more.

I not only used to multitask my way through each day, but I also used to pride myself on …

Is F45 Training Worth the Hype? Here’s the Sweaty Scoop


If you’ve been around the TikTok block, there’s a good chance you’ve heard about F45 Training. F45 is a fitness franchise that was founded in 2011 in Australia. The program consists of classes that are a combo of high intensity interval training (HIIT), circuit training, and functional training.

High intensity group workouts continue to grow in popularity, even in our virtual world. But is this program worth the hype (or the price)?

Here’s the 411 on F45.

<img loading="lazy" width="1297" height="729" src="×728-header_body.jpg" alt="squat workout" cla…


If you’ve been around the TikTok block, there’s a good chance you’ve heard about F45 Training. F45 is a fitness franchise that was founded in 2011 in Australia. The program consists of classes that are a combo of high intensity interval training (HIIT), circuit training, and functional training.

High intensity group workouts continue to grow in popularity, even in our virtual world. But is this program worth the hype (or the price)?

Here’s the 411 on F45.

<img loading="lazy" width="1297" height="729" src="×728-header_body.jpg" alt="squat workout" cla…

Goodbye 3G


The end is near for 3G technology, and with it some smartphones, life alerts and other tech that keeps us safe and connected. Get the facts here.

The post Goodbye 3G appeared first on Senior Planet.


The end is near for 3G technology, and with it some smartphones, life alerts and other tech that keeps us safe and connected. Get the facts here.

The post Goodbye 3G appeared first on Senior Planet.

Gene Therapy Delivering the Longevity-Associated Variant of BPIFB4 Improves Immune Function in Old Mice


In recent years, researchers have identified a variant of the gene BPIFB4 that correlates with longevity in humans, and in mice appears to suppress mechanisms in immune cells that contribute to chronic inflammation. In this paper, researchers use gene therapy to deliver the longevity-associated variant of BPIFB4 to old mice, and find that it reduces the presence of inflammatory immune cells showing markers of cellular senescence. The chronic inflammation of aging is known to contribute to many different age-related conditions, and the growing presence of senescent …


In recent years, researchers have identified a variant of the gene BPIFB4 that correlates with longevity in humans, and in mice appears to suppress mechanisms in immune cells that contribute to chronic inflammation. In this paper, researchers use gene therapy to deliver the longevity-associated variant of BPIFB4 to old mice, and find that it reduces the presence of inflammatory immune cells showing markers of cellular senescence. The chronic inflammation of aging is known to contribute to many different age-related conditions, and the growing presence of senescent …

What Types of Condoms Are There? And What’s the Best Condom for You?


Wrapping up for sex with a condom or other barrier method is important, but there’s a mind-boggling array of different condoms to choose from. What’s the difference between a French tickler and a rubber johnny?

What different types of condoms are there? The short answer

Condoms are big business — the industry was worth $9.2 billion in 2020. Considering the average condom costs about a dollar, that’s a lot of latex (and hypoallergenic nonlatex alternative, obvs).

There’s also incredible variety within that marketplace, with different products tailored to different needs.

The best condoms for enhanced sensation

For your own pleasure, pick an ultra-thin condom for a more natural f…


Wrapping up for sex with a condom or other barrier method is important, but there’s a mind-boggling array of different condoms to choose from. What’s the difference between a French tickler and a rubber johnny?

What different types of condoms are there? The short answer

Condoms are big business — the industry was worth $9.2 billion in 2020. Considering the average condom costs about a dollar, that’s a lot of latex (and hypoallergenic nonlatex alternative, obvs).

There’s also incredible variety within that marketplace, with different products tailored to different needs.

The best condoms for enhanced sensation

For your own pleasure, pick an ultra-thin condom for a more natural f…

Vegan “Fish” and Chips


Vegan “Fish” and Chips

Friends, have you heard of celeriac? It’s the star of our new favorite dish and we’re so excited to introduce it to you! Celeriac is a root vegetable with a subtle celery-like flavor, and when cooked, it develops a tender and flaky texture (like fish!). Then when you coat it in a bubbly batter, fry it in a skillet, and serve with vegan tartar sauce and fries, vegan “fish” and chips happens — and it’s kind of magic! 

These celeriac “fish” fillets are crispy, flaky, addictively delicious, and uber c…


Vegan “Fish” and Chips

Friends, have you heard of celeriac? It’s the star of our new favorite dish and we’re so excited to introduce it to you! Celeriac is a root vegetable with a subtle celery-like flavor, and when cooked, it develops a tender and flaky texture (like fish!). Then when you coat it in a bubbly batter, fry it in a skillet, and serve with vegan tartar sauce and fries, vegan “fish” and chips happens — and it’s kind of magic! 

These celeriac “fish” fillets are crispy, flaky, addictively delicious, and uber c…

Expanding the Options for Implantation of Functional Liver Organoids into the Body


Lygenesis works towards restoration of liver function by implanting liver organoids into lymph nodes, where they survive and undertake many of the normal functions of a liver. People have more lymph nodes than needed in many parts of the body, so some can be sacrificed in this way to gain improved function. This approach is in clinical development, and the company plans to attempt much the same process for the thymus, another important organ in which function does not depend all that much on location in the body. Researchers associated with Lygenesis here explore other parts of the body that are amenable to hosting implanted organoids, expanding the options for this clas…


Lygenesis works towards restoration of liver function by implanting liver organoids into lymph nodes, where they survive and undertake many of the normal functions of a liver. People have more lymph nodes than needed in many parts of the body, so some can be sacrificed in this way to gain improved function. This approach is in clinical development, and the company plans to attempt much the same process for the thymus, another important organ in which function does not depend all that much on location in the body. Researchers associated with Lygenesis here explore other parts of the body that are amenable to hosting implanted organoids, expanding the options for this clas…

Considering the Longevity of Eusocial Insect Queens


Eusocial species are characterized by reproductive and non-reproductive castes, such as the familiar division of queens and workers in common insect species. Eusociality is more common in insects and less so in other classes of life, although there are a few eusocial mammals, such as the naked mole-rat. For researchers who investigate the comparative biology of aging, one of the more interesting aspects of eusociality is that queens live longer than workers, many times longer in some species, while being genetically identical. Why is this?

Comparing very similar species with divergent life spans is a desirable starting point if trying to reverse engineer the relationship between metabolism and longevity. In principle divergen…


Eusocial species are characterized by reproductive and non-reproductive castes, such as the familiar division of queens and workers in common insect species. Eusociality is more common in insects and less so in other classes of life, although there are a few eusocial mammals, such as the naked mole-rat. For researchers who investigate the comparative biology of aging, one of the more interesting aspects of eusociality is that queens live longer than workers, many times longer in some species, while being genetically identical. Why is this?

Comparing very similar species with divergent life spans is a desirable starting point if trying to reverse engineer the relationship between metabolism and longevity. In principle divergen…

Can Certain Foods Lower Your Estrogen Levels?


Estrogen is a steroid hormone that’s well known for its role in sexual and reproductive development, but it’s also important to lots of other bodily processes. Your body makes estrogen naturally, adjusting its production with the other hormones in your bod.

If your estrogen levels get unbalanced, it can cause symptoms and even potentially serious health concerns. Some folks claim that certain foods can lower estrogen levels, but is that legit? Here’s what you need to know about how your diet can and can’t affect your estrogen levels. 

Estrogen and your health

Estrogen’s a hormone that’s found in everyone’s body, but estrogen levels are much higher in people with ovaries. 

When you have too much of this hormone relative to other sex hormones — known as <a href="…


Estrogen is a steroid hormone that’s well known for its role in sexual and reproductive development, but it’s also important to lots of other bodily processes. Your body makes estrogen naturally, adjusting its production with the other hormones in your bod.

If your estrogen levels get unbalanced, it can cause symptoms and even potentially serious health concerns. Some folks claim that certain foods can lower estrogen levels, but is that legit? Here’s what you need to know about how your diet can and can’t affect your estrogen levels. 

Estrogen and your health

Estrogen’s a hormone that’s found in everyone’s body, but estrogen levels are much higher in people with ovaries. 

When you have too much of this hormone relative to other sex hormones — known as <a href="…

Fight Aging! Newsletter, February 7th 2022


Fight Aging! publishes news and commentary relevant to the goal of ending all age-related disease, to be achieved by bringing the mechanisms of aging under the control of modern medicine. This weekly newsletter is sent to thousands of interested subscribers. To subscribe or unsubscribe from the newsletter,
please visit:

Longevity Industry Consulting Services

Reason, the founder of Fight Aging! and Repair Biotechnologies, offers strategic consulting services to investors, entrepreneurs, and others interested in the longevity industry and its complexities. To find out more:


  • Be Extraordinary or Be Dead
  • A Sizable Fraction of Longevity Industry Companies Build Drug Discover…


Fight Aging! publishes news and commentary relevant to the goal of ending all age-related disease, to be achieved by bringing the mechanisms of aging under the control of modern medicine. This weekly newsletter is sent to thousands of interested subscribers. To subscribe or unsubscribe from the newsletter,
please visit:

Longevity Industry Consulting Services

Reason, the founder of Fight Aging! and Repair Biotechnologies, offers strategic consulting services to investors, entrepreneurs, and others interested in the longevity industry and its complexities. To find out more:


  • Be Extraordinary or Be Dead
  • A Sizable Fraction of Longevity Industry Companies Build Drug Discover…

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